Chocolate Brownie Cake - Printable Version

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Chocolate Brownie Cake - Unknown - 04-11-2024

After 8+ years of my brother asking for it, I have now crafted.... The Chocolate Brownie Cake.

Featuring three  different recipes as well as chocolate ganache, it's dense.

Recipe 1 (The best one, soft and fudgey)

Recipe 2

Recipe 3

Ganache Recipe

It's 5+ pounds and has now gone home with everyone. I'm taking some to my job's party this Saturday.

[Image: IMG_0123.JPG]

RE: Chocolate Brownie Cake - brilokuloj - 04-11-2024

Holy fucking shit. DISCLAIMER I'm still a little high, but I need like 50 of these.

RE: Chocolate Brownie Cake - Unknown - 04-11-2024

(04-11-2024, 12:46 AM)brilokuloj Wrote: Holy fucking shit. DISCLAIMER I'm still a little high, but I need like 50 of these.

The whole thing before being cut up from when I finished it at 10pm last night.
[Image: IMG_1978.jpg]

RE: Chocolate Brownie Cake - Unknown - 04-12-2024

Let the record show that I also had to make Two More Brownies yesterday for my job’s big event