Furby 2023 - Printable Version

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Furby 2023 - brilokuloj - 06-23-2023

New Furbies:

[Image: Qc5EuwA.jpg]

I........ DO NOT like them. I'm not gonna be a hater cos I can already see one of my friends likes them. Just curious to see if anyone else dislikes them as much as I do. I liked Furby for being creepy and this misses that. But I will admit to being a contrarian who liked 2005 Furby for the skinlips.

(Positive opinions are OK too!)

RE: Furby 2023 - starsystemerror - 06-23-2023

They're fucked up but the redesign looks a lot more on track with the current Girl's Toy design trends than the last couple reboots were, so they might actually sell. I don't like that they keep squinching the proportions down, I like that old Furby models look like animals and not like...a pompom with mascara.

I like the pattern in their ears though, that's cute.

RE: Furby 2023 - brilokuloj - 06-23-2023

Two points against it that have genuinely shocked me:

  1. It does not have mouth articulation (the mouth is always in that vacant "yaaay" position), even when it's talking
  2. It is $70

The original Furby was $65 in today's money. Why are they charging more for less??? Another classic Hasbro moment

RE: Furby 2023 - starsystemerror - 06-23-2023

What the fuck...okay that sours me on them a lot more. What is a Furby without a mouth you can put fingers and pencils into?! And for that price...yikes.

Man, I can't get over the mouth thing. It instantly loses SO much personality with that one removal.

RE: Furby 2023 - collieopter - 06-24-2023

i like the box i think they should fill it with mild flavoured fruit snacks of some kind

[Image: 0v9XwcU.jpeg]

RE: Furby 2023 - brilokuloj - 06-24-2023

The box makes me feel like they squarshed it into a cube. It should have little feet it walks around on. Definitely fruit snacks for sure.

RE: Furby 2023 - starsystemerror - 06-25-2023

Wait why is "be" in "be my best friend" a different font from the rest of the phrase??

And why does it look like the reflection in the box Furby's eyes is...a forest? Scary.

RE: Furby 2023 - collieopter - 06-27-2023

"hey parents"

yknow the more Off details i notice the more i like this box
the forest reflection especially gets me into the epic reddit liminal spaces zone
strangely familiar furbies with unnerving furby vocalisations, as it were

RE: Furby 2023 - brilokuloj - 06-27-2023

It's like a person who looks like a fetus and only speaks in Shakespearean English

RE: Furby 2023 - starsystemerror - 06-27-2023

I just noticed the "DOES NOT CONNECT TO THE INTERNET" disclaimer at the bottom. I've seen that a lot with this new Furby generation for some reason. Are they trying to quell the age-old rumors, or appeal to parents wanting to give their kids non-online toys, or more likely, a combination of all that plus legal requirements?