Feelys Creature Feature
Pikmin - Oatchi 


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this is tripod! She's a very well known coyote in 29 palms and joshua tree park. No one really knows how she lost her leg, but I've seen quite a few think it must've been amputated cause of how clean it looks. She's able to hunt well by herself, and though she's never been spotted with other coyotes it's likely she's still part of a pack.
unfortunately her popularity is also causing a problem, as she has taken to coming up to cars to beg for food. This is what she was doing when we spotted her on our way to one of our research sites. While she hasn't attacked anyone yet, feeding wild animals can cause them to become habituated and attack people for food, and then the park services has to capture and euthanize them, which sucks for everyone involved. so remember to appreciate wild life from a distance, never feed them, and clean up any food you take out to a park!

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Feelys Creature Feature - by feely - 05-16-2024, 03:26 AM
RE: Feelys Creature Feature - by feely - 06-02-2024, 03:54 AM
RE: Feelys Creature Feature - by feely - 06-02-2024, 09:06 PM

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