Idea: New Seals
(01-11-2024, 03:44 AM)faultychips Wrote: finally broke in Chicken Sandwich 
whatever you do please please pleaaase keep The Breeder ill get it and use it for like 5 seconds and those are gonna be a really funny five seconds. to me.
but as for actual suggestions uhh i'll just throw some ideas out:

Holder - pick up x amount of mobs (no idea how you'd code this but. still)
Friend - maybe triggered by "Best Friends Forever" advancement (tame a mob)
Malpractitioner - use harmful effect potion on other players/yourself/peaceful mobs
Exile - "Voluntary Exile" advancement.
Normal (or Normal Guy? Normal Girl...) - use milk to remove effects.
KSB Royal Ambassador - tame the beast.
Crunchmaster - tame a parrot
The Killar (sic) - "Monsters Hunted" advancement (kill every type of monster, or more feasible, a certain number of any monster)
Psychoactive - ...not sure on how to get this honestly. I just think its a great title. maybe having all buffs at once?

also the cunty walker is really good

Oh man these are REALLY good. I bet Normal could be remove effects and Funny could be all effects at once.

I'm definitely keeping the Breeder, that was the first one that got pointed out to me and it seems like a favorite. I was just thinking of maybe nerfing it to taming any animal.

babu baba baby

(01-11-2024, 02:26 AM)collieopter Wrote: cunt for if your a cunt

nonzero chance this enters my echolalia lexicon instantly

all the seals rn are sort of between "literally very beginning of the game" and "weeks of tedious commitment" so i would like some that are between those two extremes, and maybe a mix of "progression titles" (achievements to mark your progress) and "novelty titles" (giving those gimmicky "sidequest" advancements a purpose)

some already-existing advancements i'd like to see titles for (and some phrases that aren't really titles i'm suggesting but they're phrases i associate with the advancement that i find amusing):

CREATE - Is it time? (Witness a cuckoo clock announce bedtime)
CREATE - The Brass Age (Make a brass casing): "Ghost of Christmas Brass"
CREATE - A world of imagination (Obtain a bucket of Molten Chocolate): "Willing Wonka"
most of the ARCHITECT'S PALETTE advancements would be good for titles, especially "Local Plumber"
the explorer's gear advancements in the ADVENTURE category too. like "Smooth Criminal" is already titleworthy
add "Yucky Bug" as a title somewhere. maybe a crimson mosquito advancement
Engineer Gaming advancement in the MINECRAFT category (being able to signal an interest in tech/automation stuff would be nice i think)
add a nice title for Fungus Among Us in FARMER'S DELIGHT. please :3

(01-11-2024, 03:49 AM)brilokuloj Wrote: I'm definitely keeping the Breeder, that was the first one that got pointed out to me and it seems like a favorite. I was just thinking of maybe nerfing it to taming any animal.

for what it's worth, it's not LITERALLY every animal that needs breeding, which is both relieving and frustrating. i wont spoil what the conditions are but i dont even think it's most animals. there are like two animals there whose breeding conditions i might consider a little bullshit (read: i would be personally pissed off trying to get them)

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