Idea: New Seals
Video Games 

yeah yeah, he was forced to eat cement

That out of the way, Huck pointed out the Seals, a mod feature that lets you have a subtitle above your avatar based on what achievements you've gotten - you could be a Miner, a Crafter, etc. But she also rightfully pointed out that these requirements are ridiculously grindy. Take a look for yourself if you don't mind spoilers:

They're also, in my opinion, not very Eggware-y. That might not matter to you but it does to me.

So I am reaching out: based on the standard Minecraft advancements, or any interesting advancements within the pack, or even your own requirements if I can figure out how the fuck to make custom advancements, can you think of some fun or funny titles?

babu baba baby


Tree Puncher for if you got the Minecraft advancement


cunt for if your a cunt


Seconding this


How about Cunty Walker for visiting every biome

babu baba baby


This is the one.


we need a snart seal

(01-11-2024, 02:30 AM)skinstealer Wrote: we need a snart seal

Since there's no achievement for making 6 warpbeetles despawn, I figured this could be the Totem of Undying one, since whatever situation it activates in is probably going to be pretty fucking stupid

babu baba baby


Faultychips is having trouble posting in this thread so I'm checking to see if it's just him or if this thread is irrevocably cursed

babu baba baby


finally broke in Chicken Sandwich 
whatever you do please please pleaaase keep The Breeder ill get it and use it for like 5 seconds and those are gonna be a really funny five seconds. to me.
but as for actual suggestions uhh i'll just throw some ideas out:

Holder - pick up x amount of mobs (no idea how you'd code this but. still)
Friend - maybe triggered by "Best Friends Forever" advancement (tame a mob)
Malpractitioner - use harmful effect potion on other players/yourself/peaceful mobs
Exile - "Voluntary Exile" advancement.
Normal (or Normal Guy? Normal Girl...) - use milk to remove effects.
KSB Royal Ambassador - tame the beast.
Crunchmaster - tame a parrot
The Killar (sic) - "Monsters Hunted" advancement (kill every type of monster, or more feasible, a certain number of any monster)
Psychoactive - ...not sure on how to get this honestly. I just think its a great title. maybe having all buffs at once?

also the cunty walker is really good


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