05-05-2024, 11:05 PM
Heya, I'm back! Today was my first serious meal prep day so I didn't do as much as I would have liked, or maybe too much of other things, but I didn't wanna go all-out and make a bunch of food no one was going to eat, so I kept it pretty conservative.
I made:
- Turkey chili
- Breakfast muffins (from a mix, half of them are already gone so I'm gonna have Paula make the next batch, lol)
- Pinto beans
- Egg bacon cheese bites
- Homemade Japanese-style mayo
- Sausage rice skillet
- Salmon croquettes
The highlight of my day was that I got to
Then Paula got really scared because she has never seen me cook this much before. She made me take a nap. I'm normal nowbabu baba baby