PMD: Explorer's Log [Eggware Edition!]
big things happening in our playthrough! we FINALLY unlocked recruitment (i say as if it hasnt been only 3 sessions) and spent some time looking for party members. there are a lot of potential members in the areas we have unlocked, and we're going to try and go for umbreon, absol, and stunky soon. lots of favorites and ones we've already made in petz!

for now, we've recruited two new members: lilith the vaporeon, and beethany the combee. we werent planning on getting a combee by any stretch, but we realized that combees Are hexable (sadly not vespiquen, which sucks extra because beethany is a female combee!!!) and she was so nice when she asked to join our team after a job...she must have been so happy when cloudburst and typhoon stole shit for her. missions to recover objects are probably paid heists/muggings? and then outlaws are like. rival thieves to the bandit guild i think. whatever works!

we've only had the time to make lilith, but we felt like she was more pressing than making the other NPCs for now. team members come first!

[Image: 2_08_03_24_9_20_18.png]

[image description: a petz collage of lilith, a vaporeon with an inverted color palette (though her eyes and outlines are still black) and a striped body palette. she looks very refined and snooty.]

lilith is a handful, plain and simple. she is a weird goth girl with refined tastes, and has turned to a life of crime after feeling like she needed more money to fulfill her needs in life. she prefers bitter tastes and fancy food and often pesters the rest of storm drain to stop eating garbage and sweets. cloudburst and typhoon weren't super sure on letting her onboard...but her helping hand and strength moves make her surprisingly brutal and effective in taking down marks and other goons.

[Image: 2_08_03_24_9_20_30.png]

[image description: a petz image collage of lilith interacting with typhoon and cloudburst. both interactions look fairly neutral.]

unfortunately, when it comes to lilith's relationships with other established characters in petz...she's pretty boring. she doesn't mess with people but sometimes people wrestle with her, and that's pretty much it. even with her refined tastes and defined opinions, she and other people are just...pure neutral. it's all business. maybe there's some bickering here and there, but she is, at the very least, very professional. this is just a job to her.

[Image: 2_08_03_24_9_20_39.png]

[image description: lilith interacting with betsy and speckles. more neutral interactions.]

yeah she doesn't have anything significant with Team Magic Show either. she's just not here to make buddies! hopefully beethany injects some intrigue into the team...

while a bit of a letdown character-wise, the idea of her being businesslike has potential, especially with how helpful she's been in actual missions. we're actually starting to do missions without wiping!

next up...figuring out some areas, including the bandit's guild!


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RE: PMD: Explorer's Log [Eggware Edition!] - by skinstealer - 03-08-2024, 09:35 PM

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