06-19-2023, 03:26 AM
a lot of the resources i collect are for different types of artists - web designers, graphic designers, some product design stuff, some game developer assets. some of them have the Energy of some out-of-touch corporation somewhere superficially trying to portray a squeaky clean image (hard to describe but it makes me annoyed), so i apologize in advance for that
- https://creativemarket.com/: Literally Everything from fonts to templates to stock graphics to patterns. every week they have a set of free goods; if you click the download buttons, it'll be permanently registered to your purchase history and can be downloaded at any time. i've been collecting assets from Creative Market since 2019
- https://www.kenney.nl/ (video game assets)
free-to-use photos:
- https://unsplash.com/
- https://www.pexels.com/
- https://pixabay.com/
- https://www.foodiesfeed.com (food photography specifically)
- https://openverse.org/ (formerly known as Creative Commons)
vectors, icons, vector icons:
- https://publicdomainvectors.org/
- https://www.reshot.com/
- https://thenounproject.com/
- https://icons8.com/
- https://fontawesome.com/ (specifically for web development)
- https://fonts.google.com/ (also has web font imports)
- https://unblast.com/fonts/
- https://www.awwwards.com/awwwards/collec...ree-fonts/
- https://open-foundry.com/fonts
- https://www.losttype.com/
- https://ohnotype.co/
emoji repositories
(linking these because my start in vector art was making emoji edits, they help to get used to vector programs like Inkscape)
- Noto Emoji (finding the individual versions is kind of its own challenge though, good luck)
- Twemoji (discontinued), note that Discord is using Jdecked's fork
- FxEmoji (firefox)
- Microsoft Segoe UI
- Mutant Standard (you see this one on Mastodon a lot)
- https://fontsinuse.com/ (various graphic designs labeled with the fonts used to make them; good for seeing fonts "in context")
- https://interfaceingame.com/ (game UIs)
- https://www.gameuidatabase.com/index.php (game UIs)
- https://www.404pagefound.com/ (really old websites that are still around)
- https://www.webdesignmuseum.org/ (web design from 1990s to about 2009)
web development:
- https://www.cssfontstack.com/ ("web safe" fonts, with stats about how many machines have each font installed)
- https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/ (guide to flexbox, really carried me through my early web design days)
- https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/comp...uide-grid/ (ditto for css grid)
- https://sadgrl.online/webmastery/ (sadgrl's webmastery guides, including her layout builder + tiled background repository)
- https://jamstack.org/generators/ (masterlist of static site generators, a little more advanced knowledge as far as web dev goes though)
- https://www.grabient.com/ (some nice css gradients)
- https://cssgradient.io/ (make your own css gradients instead)
- https://webcode.tools/generators/css/keyframe-animation (css animation generator)
- https://www.magicpattern.design/tools/css-backgrounds (css background patterns)
- https://freefrontend.com/ (code snippets)
- https://jontopielski.itch.io/stacked-sprite-viewer (previews a spritesheet as a set of layered sprites, making a "3d" effect)
(its not much but i had a lot of fun with it)