fuck nintendo honestly.
Pisses me off. If you're not gonna sell the game you deserve there to be people circulating it for free. Sell me the damn product for a reasonable amount or shut up about "muh piracy"
The internet archive is dealing with a bunch of fuckhead publishers not wanting them to lend their books likea literal library because they are a literal library and I'm just sick of it. Lately I've been getting everything free online and easy largely because it's too much of a pain in the ass to go through boober 600 and amazon fuck shit or whatever hell streaming service has the rights to an obscure 80s horror movie this month. Netflix killed blockbuster just to shit itself in a capitalism fueled breakdown. I fucking hate it here. "capItaLism BreEds InnOvAtIon" my fucking ass.
What a neat little program. Same it got taken down but unsurprising. Nintendo has been going after FAN MADE sheetmusic lately too. I'm not even sure they have any legal grounds to do that. Transposing falls under same freedom of speech as fan art.
Just keep circulating the tapes I guess.