Moving the Blog: Because fuck Automattic

This has been giving me the opportunity to go through and edit my indie game review series, so in the end the blog is finally getting more content! I purged those things ages ago because I felt like I was getting a little too up my own ass from the power of Game Journalism.

Funny story: despite how much care and consideration I put into that MLP article, not unlike defusing a bomb, I still received a comment from a pissed-off brony once. It was one word long and I just can't remember if it was "Cope" or "Nope".

babu baba baby


Way, way, way too many to list. I'm up to 2020 now. I probably will be done in a few more days but I wanted to publish this ASAP because some of the real classics are back, like Burger Jones and Mini Cheddars and my alcoholism plotline.

babu baba baby


The deed is fucking done.

So what exactly did this entail that it took me nearly 3 months? Other than the realities of life...

  • I wrote a script to turn a Wordpress database dump into individual files.
  • I wrote a script to convert those into Markdown.
  • I kept having to adapt that script because Wordpress frequently changes.
  • I wrote alt text for EVERY SINGLE IMAGE, because the blog did not have alt text until last year.
  • I had to go through 2020. That sucked.

And what more is there to do...

  • Better navigation for categories, tags, series, etc
  • Move my personal blog posts onto here when/if I feel like they're interesting
  • Get back to moving Patreon posts onto here
  • NEXT BIG PROJECT: figuring out how to make a site for Patreon-locked content

I'm gonna go lay down. Thanks for your neverending patience.

babu baba baby


we're so back


BURGER JONES SWEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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