RIP Reddit

An interesting situation to say the least.

This space is RESERVED, in case my brain eventually permits me to make an extended coverage of the situation...

In the meantime, summary: Reddit is breaking many third-party app readers, leaving disabled users in the lurch. In a Q&A, the CEO made accusations of blackmail (supposedly being done by the most popular app's dev) that he was not able to back up. It has turned into, simply, a clusterfuck.


Some things I've seen lately:

Mods broke the strike (weren't even replaced, boo) and opened /r/steam, it is now being repurposed for talking about water vapor instead of the video game platform.

Admins forced open /r/interestingasfuck (I can't tell, but they're making it sound like they installed new moderators), lowered the standards for what needs to be submitted there, and now people are rebranding it into Interesting Assfuck. And, uh, frogs for some reason?

What a mess.


I've been going through the process of backing up my saved Reddit posts. It has been a long ordeal as I have been having to check back in regularly to see if new posts have unprivated themselves.

Unfortunately, only a few months before this whole fiasco, I gave into the temptation of "hey, Reddit has a built-in bookmark function, why don't I use that?" ... Good grief. I learned a lesson. (This is also why I am moving my hundreds of collected YouTube videos to my website.)

I'm the only one out of my friends that's actually bothering to migrate, I suspect because the explanations of how the sites work are just too confusing, but Reddit Migration has an updating list of subreddits that are moving. I have an established personal distaste for the Fediverse, so I'm surprised this is what has gotten me to return, but I just hated Twitter in the first place and didn't want an even more Twitter-y Twitter; an even more Reddit-y Reddit is fine by me.


god. this is not related to reddit but my complaints with fedi are a lot different than other people's, i think because i exclusively use small-medium sized furry instances. but everyone on mastodon feels so sanitized all the time forever

for a platform with so many self-identifying neurodivervent people i see nobody talking about things they're interested or obsessed with unless it's something that appeals to the broad audience of tech people on mastodon. people make one off status update posts but rhey never Discuss the things they like. so much for "social" media

honestly i hope lemmy growing as a platform leads to actual niche interest/hobby circles picking up in the fediverse


My very first experience with Fediverse was having a few instances recommended to me as a "Twitter replacement", but being neurodivergent or odd on the main timeline (one of the most difficult things to explain to a Twitter refugee - I cannot think of any other social media that works this way) was seen as trolling, whereas posting a relatively universal trigger untagged was allowed. I was told, at one point, "this is not a Twitter replacement." This would continue to be my experience on most others, while people continued to call it a Twitter replacement.

Mastodon has identity issues, imho, like a sibling trying to differentiate themself through dangerous acts. A lot of instances welcome radical content and pretty much instantly succumb to a wave of people who have gotten kicked off of other sites. And everyone passive aggressively bitches about each other forever.


the metaposting game (i.e. the constant bitching about the State of Mastodon, how other people are using it wrong, etc.) on mastodon is UNBEARABLE. i honestly think the health of any given platform can be loosely measured by how much metaposting there is - notice how twitter users started talking about twitter more when it started going downhill, likewise for discord and tumblr. the sheer density of Conversations About Mastodon on mastodon is unbearable


It's actually funny how relevant that is, because I use Reddit as a lens into the quality of various employers (as an unemployable person). For example, r/traderjoes was almost all customers, and I've heard it's an excellent place to work; r/aldi a little less so; r/walmart was entirely employees talking about getting fucked six ways from Sunday.


The subreddit for Walgreens is so employee-hell focused that I've seen people apologize for posting while being customers. It was kind of funny but also sad because holy shit that sub is a miserable place.


I have got to figure out what I'm going to do with the rest of my life now that Reddit isn't an option. Reading my hobby subreddits was my nighttime ritual for YEARS. And there were so many to choose from! Now things are disparate and I have to make more conscious choices, which is probably a positive, but I haven't used the internet like this in a decade, so all of my routines are gone. I spent nearly all day today doing random Vox crosswords, and then I spent HALF AN HOUR reading reviews for Elemental on Letterboxd. I can't live like this. It isn't right.


I used to read MarioWiki on my non-smart phone in bed when I was a kid. Then when I graduated to a smartphone I read TV Tropes and regular Wikipedia. I strongly recommend bedtime wiki-reading, it's like Reddit with less interactivity and your choice of if you want to read peoples' opinions or not. I wouldn't recommend it during the day due to ease of time distortion, but it works for bedtime "read until your eyes don't work" kinda scenarios.


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