Moving the Blog: Because fuck Automattic

The deed is fucking done.

So what exactly did this entail that it took me nearly 3 months? Other than the realities of life...

  • I wrote a script to turn a Wordpress database dump into individual files.
  • I wrote a script to convert those into Markdown.
  • I kept having to adapt that script because Wordpress frequently changes.
  • I wrote alt text for EVERY SINGLE IMAGE, because the blog did not have alt text until last year.
  • I had to go through 2020. That sucked.

And what more is there to do...

  • Better navigation for categories, tags, series, etc
  • Move my personal blog posts onto here when/if I feel like they're interesting
  • Get back to moving Patreon posts onto here
  • NEXT BIG PROJECT: figuring out how to make a site for Patreon-locked content

I'm gonna go lay down. Thanks for your neverending patience.

babu baba baby


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RE: Moving the Blog: Because fuck Automattic - by brilokuloj - 05-25-2024, 04:01 PM

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